Thursday, August 18, 2011

Hmm...which one should I go with?

Ooh ooh I have a CHI :) It works great and heats up fast. But it damages your hair, like any other heat styler will, so use hair protection lol. My only regret is buying the CHI that DOESN'T have a heat setting so I can't control how hot it gets :[

Where can I download this song?

try searching it on youtube and then if found you can get it by copying the URL on to

I need advice on car loan and divorce?

Ok so I got married a few years ago before I left for boot camp basically for financial reasons....I got a car in my name because my husband could with his credit but he is a co-signer on the paper work..... at the time of the car purchase we were not married but they filled the paper work out as married and used her last name as mine with is also false cause we never changed names.....well we are in the process of a divorce and I do not want to be responsible for this car anymore I have been making the payments since the car was 1st I sent her the money and she never made the payments which had the car repoed but we got it out and I have been directly paying the payments ever since since she got the car repoed and is messing up my perfect credit. so I want either her to take over the car since its hers b ut her cedit is bad or them give me the car and ill sell it I dont want my cerdit messed up anymore and they are telling me I cant take her name off we were not married at the time of the purchase so the doentation is technically wrong but the dealer is no longer in biz and GMAC is trying to say we both have to sign on it and its my prob any advice I hope this makes sense

Why is my 1998 voyager mini van some times the engine stops when i slow down or when i stop?

I have a 1998 plymouth Voyager 4 cylinder and some tomes when I slow down to a stop or when I am waiting for a light It dies but I can start it right awy, any ideas?

Organic Chemistry Lab Question HELP!!!!!!!?

If I test Cyclohexene with 1 drop of KMnO4 and see a brown color then test a distilled oil (lemons) with 1 drop of KMnO4 and see a brown color. But see a purple color when Cyclohexane is added with1 drop of KMnO4 what should I conclude from this result.

What do you suggest to drink, while watching a TV evangelical, while cuddling with your "churchie" girlfriend?

After 3rd snifter, it's all good. recommend something cheap since tastebuds are too slushed to care.

How to prevent a misscarige?

I need to know cuz iam in aerobics and we do every kind of exersisie and i dont know if push up and sit up ares good for a baby ??

How can i run auto cad 2006 in windows 7?

directly you can't run autocad 2006 in windows 7 but if you have installed xp than install autocad in windows xp. than log on to windows 7 than go to drive on which xp installed and after that find the exe file of autocad in progaramme file . now on the base of xp you can run the autocad in windows 7

Essay Introducton ideas?

Write the paper first. Then, based on what you write, decide "what's the main point I'm making?". Bam, there's your thesis. Summarize the topic and include your thesis to make the intro.

Where can we get killjoy ray guns?

"the only place was the boxed set available when DD came out, but they are sold out now and i'm guessing they aren't going to make anymore. they may eventually put some up on the website, or you can start checking ebay in a few weeks. those of us who ordered the box set will be getting our guns and masks in 2 or 3 weeks and im betting some jerk bought them just to resell so keep your eye out"-Mychemicalromanceloverx5

Better, more refined answer for this kinetic molecular theory question?

Since you know that the lighter m molecules move faster than the heavier ones, without doing a calculation, you could just answer that the average speeds of hydrogen molecules is considerably greater than that of chlorine molecules. By the way, the equation that you derived is known as Graham's Law of effusion, and it states that the ratio of the velocities of two gaseous elements will be inversely proportional to the square roots of their molecular mes (or atomic mes for monatomic gases).

Good affordable resort in Cancun, Mexico??

Does anyone know any good hotels or resorts that are all inclusive that are affordable in Cancun or Playa del carmen that is suitable for a group of 2 kids and 3 adults???

Does anyone know how to find out about a trademark on antique pewter?

I have some old antique pewter which has been in the house for years,most of it has makers trademarks.What I need to know is,how do I find out who the trademarks belong to,so that I can put a date on the objects,and find out if they have any value.Most of the items are tableware,or just cled as metalware.

What is your opinion on Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron?

the american evangelicals. Do you think they put forward good arguments for the existence of God? Have you watched their debates? what did you think of them? Thanks for any answers.

Love changes everything?

don't you agree? it can turn the really down and cynical types all cheery and idealistic! i guess it's good but don't you kind of find that annoying? that ONE person can completely change you?

Which should i get?

I am currently looking for a new car. My parents said I would be able to spend 8k-10k. I am debating about 2 cars at the moment. I am looking at the Honda Prelude and the MazdaSpeed Protege which I would be getting off a forum of a small community of Mazda fans. Are there any other cars that are quick and look good that i should take into consideration? I want a nice, quick, good looking, reliable car.

What is wrong with this code? Goal is to create a program that converts characters to mores code and plays it.?

The peak amplitude of your sine wave will be 25. uming that you have 16 bit audio output then this will be very quiet and you may not even be able to hear it. Try making the amplitude say 16384 instead of 25.

Leeds UNI discover that chips smell of ironing board , is this what our education money is spent on.?

They used a gas chromatography and lots of labtime, was this what you all wanted from your TAX money, when there are much better projects like why are our children suffering from More and more ASTHMA,.Is this the not just amusing themselves.

BFP 6 days before missed period...twins?

Getting Results earlier Can Be A Sign of twins For sure But I would not just Base it on that it is also possible you ovulated and got pregnant earlier then you had thought and are further along then you think you are. The Best chance at knowing if you are carrying twins is By getting your numbers checked at the dr's and getting and ultrasound. Also do either of you have A history of twins in either side of your family yours or his? Or we're you using any kind of fertility medicine when you conceived? Either will up your odds of twins.

Name me some Gory Rated R Mecha Anime.?

What is a mecha anime that is very gory lots of action as a kid my cousin brought me this mecha anime with lots of mechs and if they get hit they bleed actual blood. This is the anime i want to watch most as i didn't get the story when i was a kid. But please name me a few. I do not want cheesy animes that are all cute and stuff. I recently grabbed Escaflowne to later found out it was a fox kids show but then there is the japanese dialogue of it which is more gory? Please share your suggestions.

What kind of guitar do you think this is?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a Bruno Mars is playing it. At first i thought it was a fender but now i dont think so.....What do you guys think?

My 2 sisters got into a fight with 8 girls? was it fair? and did they win? help?

yo sister. she was beating dem hoes ***. and no it wasn't fair because 8 vs 2 is a huge disadvantage and those girls obviously can't fight if they needed 8 vs 2. sounds like they still got they *** whooped. u should be proud of ur sisters, they are some beasts!

Does Turner Broadcasting And Time Warner Owned Teletoon?

Turner Broadcasting (Owned By Time Warner), The Owner Cartoon Network Used To Show Cartoons From A Canadian Cartoon Channel Called "Teletoon" Such As,"Stoked,Johnny Test,Total Drama,George Of The Jungle,And 6teen."

Calling on all poets: Will you please kindly c/c my poem?

When I first read your poem (last night), there were many things I wanted to say about it but didn't know how to tell you without sounding harsh. Now (this morning), having read the responses of others, I think it better to say nothing more than this: I like your writing and hope to see more of it.

Ladies what do you think?

I made a date with a girl last week for monday. Well its Monday, My phone got disconnected that day so I texted her from a new num saying its me. Should I have confirmed with her yesterday. I have feeling she is mad cause I never confirmed with her yesterday and made her wonder. Would you girls be mad? I texted her like 4 times no response. All of a sudden in the late evening she texted me and said she left her phone at home and totally forgot. Is that believable? Its the next day I asked for her email so we can keep in touch if I leave. She responded she does not use email. I asked her out again for another night she has not responded. I texted her after that I was interested but Im not anymore cause she plays to many games. I wished her the best and a good life and maybe will see eachother again one day.

Spanish gender questions...?

The Noun. La mano is a weird one, so it's probably a bad example. But if you use la tienda for example, tienda ends with an "a" so it's feminine and needs a "la" rather than an "el". As for the transvestite thing, it's an issue in english too, and I'm not a native spanish speaker, so I have no idea.

Colombia's air force?

Doesn't anyone have information about the size the strength(and skill) of the Colombian air force? Chavez has received new jets from Russia, what does Colombia have to counter them?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

How does a guy like Crac Man get 12 police reports but never get charged or do time?

At this point, that's all there is to talk about. Listening to the Brett Favre Network, oops I mean ESPN, on the drive to work this morning and I'm pretty sure Colin Cowherd said it's 12 times that Crac Man has crossed the law. When the heck are the authorities gonna make one stick and put this sociopath behind bars before he becomes the 21st century OJ and offs someone?

I was wondering where I can find Sakura x Sasuke manga, would any of you know?

Where can I find Sakura x Sasuke manga? And if so do you also happen to know where I can find Roy and Ed (fullmetal Alchemist) yoai manga? *_* (*_* = shiny eyes) I am sorta into yaoi at the moment. And does anyone know where I can find some Roy x Hughes yoai? =_=Uu.... I am low on recources to find some free download websites of these....

Where is the speed sensor located on a 1990 Ford Probe LX?

Its a 3.0 liter six cylinder. I believe its on top of the transmission, but where exactly is it and how do I get it off? Thanks much.

How to say goodbye to someone that means so much to you.?

it may not be a big deal to some, i mean everyone loses people. my grandpa is at his last breaths, and i love him so much... he is seriously my hero. how do i say goodbye? i dont wnat to be all dramatic about it, i dont want him so feel scared either, i hope this is understandable

Anyone willing to help me start up my business?

In 2010, I will be opening up learning community centers during after school hours, holidays, and summer break for elementary school age children. My plans are coming together great, I really think this could be a success. However, the start up cost to open up will take my years to save. Is anyone willing to donate, out of the goodness of your heart, at least $1 for help with cost? If so, email me at with your mailing address and I will send you a brochure in the mail. Also, if you think your friends or family will donate, I will send extra brochures. Thank you so much!!!!

Review my story please? :)?

This is pretty good ! maybe you shouldn't rush in with her having an angry outburst at her father so early on ,it doesn't quite work :) But seriously apart from that really interesting ,also i live in south port so its cool to read about it x

Resumes and cover letters for jobs in UK- what to mention about work status & do they use different formats?

Hi, I am a US citizen married to a British citizen. We are planning to move to the UK this fall as he will begin a PhD program in Scotland. I need to get a job and am starting to apply from the US. I ume I need to mention something about having legal permission to work since I'm married to a Brit (but can't actually get the form until I arrive there). We can't move unless I get a job first, though. What do I need to mention in my cover letter and resume. Are their resume and cover letter styles very different from the US?

I have musical auditions coming up and i need some advice?

Get a vioce teacher, or an acting coach. Try not to be to nervous or shaky becuase it will show in you voice. An honey, nobody gives a damn that you look like Ann hathway, doesnt matter if u cant sing and act.

I need some way to pick up a boy!help me plz.?

i need a way to get a boy to like me.he sits next to me in homeroom.i want to talk to him but he is popular and i am not,i were new clothing almost everyday,and i put perfume that smells really good.don't say anything about the perfume because it was not CHEAP,i do my hair and make up for him to see but he wont ask me to date him! what should i do? and i don't want any crap from anyone,i am new to the school so i don't know many people.

Temperatures; CPU, HDD, SYS?

for the CPU, 70*C is too hot, and 20 to 50*C is the safe zone for CPUs, for the motherboard, 70*C is too hot, and 20 to 60*C is the safe zone, Hard drives- anywhere from 10 to 40*C is the safe zone, any where above that, is cause for concern.

When I try to install my Motorola razor cell phone on my computer, it says "The hardware was not installed bec

You need the CD from the Motorala Cell Phone company. Or google search the software itself to try to find a "bootleg" version.

Halloween costume helppppp!!!!!?

ok, my best friend and i are going to be Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie for Halloween. i know that paris has blonde hair, but does anyone know what color nicole richie's hair is???? i know it used to be blonde the brunette but idk what it is now. someone helpppppp meeee!!!! thnx<33

Sue Simmons drops the "F" bomb during a news teaser?

If uwere watching the show 'Medium' then u may have heard it. Another viewer as well as my husband thought that she may have been talking to Chuck Scarborogh. He did look as though he was dazed, or asleep.What do u think?

If Free-Market ideals were the centerpiece of dictatorial rule, would we still consider Capitalism (cont.)?

(cont.) - to be the cr�me de la cr�me of socioeconomic theories? Meaning, if history were to play itself out in an alternative manner, and Free-Market deregulation was the central pillar to single-party authoritarianism, would we continue to defend its admirable qualities? If Democracy and Laissez-Faire economics were never seen as coinciding factors, each useless without the other, would we still fiercely defend lady capitalism if she instead was left to the mercy of totalitarianism?

Where can I find a robe like this?

Hopefully someone will be able to help me even though I know it's a long shot. On the tv series "Still Standing", Judy Miller (Jami Gertz) wears a long gray robe occasionally. I'm not sure which episodes, but I've seen it a few times and I CANNOT find a long gray cotton woman's robe anywhere! The one that is on that show is the look I'm going for. So if someone could point me to a website or store I'd be very grateful. Thank you!

Please Help! Easy 10 Points?

10 points to me?i helped you wit social studies. give meh 10 points! plz? and i hev no idea what you just saidXD

Why is the CNO cycle essential for life in the Universe?

the CNO cycle is just an alternative to the PP chain for fusing hydrogen into helium. it isn't essential, although it is rather common. maybe you're thinking of the triple alpha process, which is the bottleneck for producing stable elements heavier than helium. a universe with just hydrogen and helium in it would be pretty uninteresting chemically: the only stable molecule would be diatomic hydrogen.

What do you think of my ideas to make the IRL and Indy 500 more popular?

They've had restrictions on engines since the 50's.Normally aspirated had a bigger cubic inch than turbocharged.First it was a USAC rule.One of the reasons for the split in the first place was the ENGINE RULES.CART was using different engines for all of their races,then had to deal with USAC's rules for the INDY500.Car owners didn't like the fact that they had to have a different set of rules for the one race that was sanctioned by USAC.The IRL has also gone through a variety of engine packages determined by displacement,turbo/non-turbo etc.The current engine package(HONDA) will probably be around for a while.

If my Y!A account is suspended?

Suspension pretty much means you are finished with that YA account although you can continue to use the email address.

UGG boots question<3?

okay so im a size 5 in women's uggs but i want to order the Big Kids uggs because they are cheaper. can anyone tell me what the major difference is between them, like do they look funny, do they lack in quality?...lastly, what size in Big Kids would i be if im a 5 in women? i know they say it's 2 sizes smaller but wouldnt a 3 be too small? please help me!

Florida Marlins at Huston Astros tonight.......?

even though every1 knows marlins are gonna beat their a**, who do you think is gonna win (final score). And is hanley ramirez gonna get a hit

What should i say for an invocation?

so i have to say the invocation at a banquet tonight and I've never done that b4.. any ideas what I should say?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

In the US, how is something designated a terrorist organization?

In the US, who designates terrorist organizations? Is it the President, Secretary of State, Congress, or what? Please be descriptive. I want to know who labeled Hamas, for example, as a terrorist organization and how the process was done. Likewise, whose responsibility in the United States is it to declare a terrorist state?

When it comes to hollywood and emericans in general do you find they are a bit racist when it comes to brits?

im not british, but even i think they be mean to british people! n they always try to show nice things about mexicans, there culture, food, and most of the time SPANISH!! they make fun of there own skin color. that's sad

What is the hold up with haze?

the release dates keeps getting pushed back, this game was supposed to be released before christmas and now it is TBC.

Anyone heard of the "Indian/Jew" connection?

you have a shot there are a lot of indian/jew == type indian/jew in search for questions and you will get some interesting q/a's to read!!!

Bears at Falcons or Broncos at Chargers, which Primetime game are you looking forward to most?

Broncos vs Chargers is one of the best rivalries in Football right now. I think that is going to be a clic game.

Names of american naval ships.?

Does anyone know any names of american naval ships that were docked in plymouth,devon,England in september of 1973?I have written to many places in america,plymouth etc,and am waiting to hear back from some.Could anyone help in the meantime?

Gaming RiG? Duo or Quad Core?

Go with the quad! i can over clock the 2.4 to a 3.2 i've done it but make sure you have liquid cooled.

Hey basketball section: Whos rooting for me to reach #1 in this section?

I'm going for it! im dedicating my whole life to be on here and criticize in which i do the exact same thing! who's rooting for me to overtake Nickster!?

Irrespective of your disagreements, shouldn't we as Sunnis voice out against the tyranny on the Shias?

Theoretically, be for justice even if it is against your own self. I guess that's easier said than done.

Doyou like This Song,- Bon Jovi- "Never Say Good Bye "?

We shall dance together forever darling,I will never say goodbye to you,because you are my life and i adore you.

Which of these compounds can use steam distillation for purification?

which of these compounds can use steam distillation for purification? Ethanol, Nitrobenzene, Benzene, Toluene, Methanol?

How to clean a stained fireplace from the fire and smoke?

This is the first time we had a fireplace in our house. It was pretty cold this winter so we used it a few times. The back part which is brick was white now its mostly black from obviously the fire. How do you take this off? Or is there no way to take it off because its burnt on there..

Do I have hazel eyes?

I thought I had brown eyes my whole life until recently. There like all brown in the middle and muddy greenish on the outer part. Some brown streaks out like the rays of the sun. Are my eyes hazel or just brown? how can one tell? Kelly Clarkson has hazel eyes but mine don't look like that. Mine are a lot greener with darker brown middles.

Why do many earthquakes but few volcanic eruption occur in the himalaya?

b/c there is still activity going on down there due to what the guy that just answered. This activity can create earthquakes. The activity is low beneath the surface where the magma is, and until there is enough pressure and density the magma will remain beneath the surface. however large earthquakes could indicate an eruption about to take place, or it can trigger an eruption.

Any ideas on how to buy a car with bad credit?

I need to buy a car. Unfortunately, I have absolutely horrible credit and cannot get approved for a loan (I've tried), neither do I have a co-signer. I don't have enough money to buy one out and out in cash. Any ideas? Surely there are many Americans like me who manage to get cars.

Any nick names for Amy 10 points for best answer !?

mia might work...what about a middle name? someone might be able to come up with something with your middle name

Is it cheaper to change Pounds Sterling to Malaysian Ringgit in the UK (or in Malaysia)?

I will be travelling to Malaysia soon. I'd just like to know if it's cheaper to change the notes in the UK or in Malaysia. Is it cheaper to do it at major banks or airport?

If a Giraffe ate a Walking Stick, would it die?

Here's your first serious answer. I highly doubt that eating a walking stick would do much harm to a giraffe, since their diet includes tree thorns; of course, there's a first time for everything. However, if anyone ever tells you about a giraffe with a crooked neck, believe them, 'cause it's real.

Help me how do i get infor from the user java?

Check the following link: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Can we all agree that there's no food like the food our parents cook? Particularly moms?

my mom can't cook..... she burns boiled water.... the food I cook is better than anything you can get at a restaurant

Which kind of sonnet is John Keats's "Bright Star?"?

There are two kinds of Sonnets, English (Shakespearean) and Petrarchan... Which one describes "Bright Star" by John Keats??

What would happen if the Ark of the Covenant WAS discovered?

Well, someone would want to put it into a museum. The Christians, Muslims, and Jews would fight over which religion it really belongs to and which country that it should reside in. All three religions would start fighting over it, and lastly, Bush would send out his troops claiming that the Ark of the covenant was really a weapon of m destruction put there by Iran. Basically, it was start WWIII. Let's just hope it stays hidden. :-)

What are some plays with good two-person scenes?

I need a scene for two men which is about two minutes long. It can be longer as long as it can be cut down to about two minutes. I'm looking for something dramatic from a contemporary play, such as something by Lee Blessing or Tracy Letts. I would prefer something which hasn't already been made into a movie and something which hasn't already been done a hundred times.

My boyfriends co-worker is kind of . . . promiscuous, what should I do? Am I over reacting?

Ok so recently my boyfriend hired a new girl. She has two kids and lives with their father (her bf of 9 yrs). She recently lost a lot of weight and constantly talks about it. She lifts her shirt up to "fix her pants" all the time and she started sleeping with a married man at the office. I don't know what to do or say!!! Help!

HOW, HOW, HOW do you women actually get over your BF's ual past?!?

everyone has regrets and have done stupid things in the past. You just can't think about it and just be happy with him. You shouldn't let it bother you, he is with you for a reason =]

Do Democrats agree with this despicable DECEPTION and attempt at playing the race card?

This disgusts me. How people cannot see right through this is absolutely amazing, in a very sad way.

I have two yahoo email addresses, one works with widows live mail the other does not.?

This has been happening for some time now, Yahoo are working on it they say but for now try this.Recommended fixes for the many current problems include Update Adobe Flash Player Internet Explorer and Java script . Clear Explorer cache, cookies, and browsing history. Some find that a return to clic mail improves things. You could also try an alternative browser. Hope this helps

Blonde Joke: Is This Funny?

only in a fancy world santa, tooth fairy , smart blonde and "exact center of the room" exist!!

Homemade beef/bone stock...its stinking up the whole house and making me gag...what gives?

Okay so I've been reading this book and it gave me some good ideas as to how to change up my diet, i.e: making homemade broth. I thought it would be no big deal - but no!! My "broth" has been simmering for 3 hours and the whole house stinks. Any ideas as to what I'm doing wrong?? I roasted the soup bone in the oven for 45 minutes, then put it in a crock pot with water and a splash of vinegar. The smell is soooo strong - and no, the meat is not bad. I bought it me out if you can....

Can things get any worse?

Things could be worse. They are only 6.5 games out and it's not even all-star break. They still have Chipper and his amazing season, Texeiria isn't hurt. Tim Hudsen has stepped in quit nicely as their ace. They are still a servicable team. They are also in the NL East. So anything can happen. If yuo were in the NL central you'd be 9 games out. So things could be alot worse!

Do you think famous Hollywood pensioners smell as bad as ordinary pensioners that use public transport?

No they would smell better, because they can affored to bathe in their aftershave, most elderly people can't even afford any,!!!!!

Constipated for 3 months!?

Okay. My son is 14 months old, I put him on whole milk (well started transfering him ) at 11 1/2 months old. Since then hes been constipated, the doctor said to try prunes, and juices, water, karo syrup. nothing worked, so 2 weeks ago i call her and say look hes still constipated, he screams bloody murder everytime he tries to poop and hes doing it for 20 minutes for bearly nothing, so she told me to lower the amount of milk i give him from 20 oz to 8 oz a day, so i did that but hes not wanting to eat foods, he slaps it away so i wait for a while figuring hell eat when hes hunry and he just gets cranky and screams until a bottle. Anyways, so i cant get him to eat foods, So i put him back on Formula the Similac Go and Grow ..that should be good hu? 3 days after i gave it to him he pooped and it was good. so when should i try to transfer back to whole milk?

Will high nitrates and phosphates stop your corals from opening right up.?

yes and will also hinder a lot of things in your tank. to lower those levels get a gravel siphon and clean the rocks and remove 25% of your water and replace in the morning check your water parameters if high repeat above process. make sure to keep those levels as close to 0ppm as possible. get the trace minerals and add those as well if you don't already. good luck

How to write thank you cards for two unique situations...?

Write it just as you have told us. I know they will be delighted to hear how much you appreciated their generosity.

Should I be jealous or am I just being immature?

well you shouldn't be upset that your husbands friend is friends with your husbands ex, it shows no reflection on your husband, i understand you feeling upset and left out, you can make friends with your husbands co workers and stuff, but it wouldn't hurt to make a few of your own out side of their crowd,

I have a 500 Watt receiver, can I hook up 1000 Watt 5.1 surround sound sys to it and still have it sound good?

yeah you can plug in as many speakers as there are outputs for them. however your speakers will only play as loud as you reciever can send. which si in your case, 500 watts

How to prove allegations of child neglect are false?

Now is the time to step up to the plate--there are a few resources below to check out, especially the one that links to the article about false allegations. You can fight this pro se without an attorney very easily. Good luck to you guys, and don't let the false allegations get you down!

Is this an ok combination for my 50 Gallon community tank?

I agree with Dark, zebras are fin nippers. With the other fish you are planning on keeping I would not keep the betta. The others will school quite fine and happy.

Monday, August 15, 2011

The creationist paradox?

Is this a paradox: Creationists claim that we are proof that there is a creator. We exist, so there must be something that created us. Well if god created us there must be something that created god since god exists. And god's creator must have a creator too. It's a never ending series of creators. Does that make sense?

I heard Pakistan beat Sri Lanka in the Cricket Championship thing. BOOM BOOM AFRIDI LOL?

Yeh well MY question was all about dissing cricket! WHAT IS CRICKET? i really havent watched more than 20 seconds of that crap in my life!

Has anyone purchased the Ellis 4 in 1 convertible crib by Simplicity?

I did, along with the matching changing table/dresser in honey. I ordered it from Babies R Us's website, it came in about a week. The only problem I had with it was the front rail came without a hole drilled at the bottom for one of the screws. I called them and two days later, I received a brand new front rail. It's a gorgeous set, and I'm glad it'll last until the teenage years instead of having to buy a toddler bed and then a "big boy bed" like we did for my older son.

Don't you think Tron was really mind blowing with 3d visual effect since Matrix ?

We were streaming this a while ago on the internet for simply no fee. superior to going to the theaters if you ask me personally!!

Why has not Congress brought the troops home? Supposely, they voted years ago to send troops and support them?

but, some have said they were misinformed. If the Iraqi war is so wrong, why has not Congress done something? Or, do we have leaders more interested in finger pointing then doing something?

Good stores for a 17 year old girl to shop ONLINE at?

La Redoute, also get a 20% off coupon at a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a to save some money

Whats skateboard tricks should i learn next?

k i already can bs shuvit,ollie,kickflip.but should i learn any other easy tricks before i continue to the harder ones like tre flip,impossible,switch etc.?

Horrible acne, never has been this bad I'm 24?

Hello, I have never in my life had acne this bad. Since spring it's been on and off in terms of how much acne. Lately its been so hrorible. My face will not clear. I think it's stress related, since my ex told me when I said "dang I am so ugly" that I have "a little acne but you could clear it up with some thing like Pro-Active" I was so disgusted. I know it could have to do with what he said since I am so sensitive to the way people say certain things. He also said some other things about my looks that just have ruined my confidence. How can I just move on from this stress. I've been eating well, better than I have ever. I don't know but what may have started it is that I was using some oil on my hair, when I slept with it in my hair I had a break out very icky. That was almost a year ago. Now I have itchy pimples that either go away and come back or just don't really go away. I am annoyed using Clearasil morning and night. My mother still does she irritated that she does as well - she has even been through menopause. What is going on...... Please some real advice

Looking for some fun rock music?

billboard from the 30's through the 60's. Electric light orchestra ( sky), The pretenders, tom petty, parliament funkadelic, stevie wonder, django reinhardt, bach violin concertos, paganini concerto 2 in bminor. Franz Liszt best of...

Hermit crab care??!!??!!??!!

I used sand for mine. I bought hermit crab food from the pet store I bought them at which was Petco. I cleaned out the tank once a week. You should put enough sand so they can bury themselves in it, so they can shed. Put a little bowl in the tank with water in it and make sure they can't drown in it. Go to your local pet store and ask them about care for your hermit crab (Petco, Petsmart or whatever) they usually have care sheets. If you don't want to do this go to the links below.

Advice for new soon to be cichlid owner...?

I have a 125 gallon tank full of African ciclids. I have been keeping fish for over 18 years now and I've learned alot. So My advice isn't going to be much fun, cuz I've done it all!!! but here it goes. First spend some money and buy LOTs of rock get little pieces big pieces flat ones are always good! The more hiding places the healthier your tank will be!! trust me! Second the fish that the other people were suggesting are GREAT choice's, BUT cost $$$$ since you've never had ciclids before I would suggest going to one or more fish stores and look for the one that sells little baby's I just added 10 more ciclids to my tank on Christmas eve, The guy sold my a whole bunch of ciclids 5 for 10 bucks.. little fish become big fish REAL FAST..Then slowly add the really cool ones, and try and buy them as small as possible! Your gonna have better success that way. Try and stay away from "corporate" type fish stores find the really cool independent stores. Get to be friends with the people. I went into my favorite store about 2 months ago and said dude hook me up. he showed me these fish called..what ever' me they looked like silver minnows, but when they mature they will be solid blue with yellow tails.. if I wouldn't have asked, he wouldn't have told me!!! be cool good luck

Does Indy and Formula One use multiple cars like Nascar does?

Nascar teams basicly has a car for every track they race on. Does Indy and Formula One have this many cars or do they adjust their cars for each race? I'm sure they have backup cars, but do they invest in 15 to 20 cars like Nascar?

Will my motherboard fit in this case? will fit the dell was a budget system older CPU and Ram That 912 is a very nice mid tower case

Should law enforcement become more directly involved investigating drugs/growth hormones among athletes?

In the grand scheme of things with rapists, murderers, and pedophiles out there, there are many things that have a higher priority when it comes to our law enforcement's manpower than some athletes taking shots of HGH in the ocks.

I have downloaded an e-book for my PDA. However it is seen by reader ....?

on my PC but I don't know how to transfer it from my PC to my PDA because I can't find it on my PC. I know it's there because my PC reader can view sure what to do about this can anyone help please.

Emo/rock/punk/screamo bands?

tribal ink,Mest,Linkin Park,Avenged Sevenfold,trapt,All american Rejects,Fallout boy,paparoach,red jumsuit apparatus,three days grace

Everyone thinks Obama is "racist"...What about McCain??

Did you know he opposed the MLK holiday, citing it would disrupt the bi-partisan consensus. He also has a stance against affirmative action...Besides the AA ban, the MLK is enough for me. Hopefully republican supporters will look at the bigger picture and stop the cheap slander-ism.

What does Proverbs 23 talk about? ?

Proverbs 23 talks about not getting drunk, not getting wrapped up into this world, and honoring our parents. We should gain Wisdom and lack selfishness.

I know all of you want-to-be-mothers will agree with this. Please read!?

It is really upsetting to get some real negative hurtful answers to our queries on this site. I recently posted a question voicing my frustration of trying to get pregnant and touching on the misfortune and devastation I experienced when I missed miscarried, and got a silly, hurtful response - by a low-life going by the name of Aprillynnalzar. And I have seen many responses to questions that I know would hurt the author. And these responses are written by people that clearly are not trying to concieve or have had any experience with pregnancy, and just want to be pigs. Some people just don't understand some of the pain that people do feel when trying to concieve, or losing a baby through miscarriage. Don't enter the trying to conceive forum if you are going to slander people when they are at vulnerable points in their life, especially if you are unable to understand what others are going through.

Has anyone seen harvey?

he was here a while ago. someone mentioned pascal's wager so we were having a little drink and we got to talking. i invited him over for dinner on easter sunday, and you know he got kind of agitated and said he had to go, muttering something about eggs. what does he look like... oh he's about so tall and he's a rabbit, you can't miss him. you have to go.. well keep an eye out for him will you and if you see him tell him i've got a shot set up for him. now you wouldn't like a drink with me before you go, i know a nice little place, oh your busy i see, well goodbye. nice fellow that if a little excitable. now where were we, you wouldn't like a drink with me would you and i'll introduce you to harvey when he gets back?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Weird thing happing to me?

for a while i have been having real detailed dreams then a while later they happen like my sister haveing 2 car crashes before she turns 21 and they both happen then when im awake i would see somthing happen then it would happen less then five seconds later and now it fells like i have a 6 sence because im really slow but now when i play dodgeball i either see it come really slowly or i see it come before they even throw the ball please help i have had this ever sence i was 9 and now im 14 but its starting to happen a litte more often am i going crazy or what

Can someone help me make my own starblanket quilt?

i always wanted to make my own but dont know how can some help me is there a site where i can get a pattern from ?

Why do people condemn s?

Anything that can bring happiness is condemned by cults. And you as a preacher are enabling the problem. And I would also say that christ was a nihilist that condemned all of life.

Where does Ron Paul go from here?

We've lost 2 states now with pretty marginal counts. I'm not throwing in the towel just yet, but what needs to happen between now and super Tuesday to save Ron Paul's campaign?

I need your help can a kinda shy guy approach the females...?

I like a couple of girls and i want to know a way so that theyll start liking me an how to start the conversation...

Is my Zebra Danio bullying my Serpae Tetra?

I have a 5 gallon tank with many hidins for my fish like caves, plants and rocks. In the tank I have a zebra danio and a serpae tetra. The Tetra usually stays to the back of the tank behind some plants, but most of the time when she comes to the front, (even to eat) The danio will chase her away and sometimes it appears as though he nips her tail. I noticed that she rarely retaliates. I'm keeping a close eye on the condition of their fins and nothing seems to be torn. I am worried that she is stressed or she is not getting enough to eat. Is this normal? What should I do?

YuGiOh 5D's. What happened to the show on the CW?!?

Why is there no more YuGiOh 5D's on the CW4Kids? Now how can I watch new episodes of YuGiOh 5D's, how can I find out what will happen to the signers and Dark signers? Does anyone know if they are going to put it on a different channal or will I have to watch it on the internet? Please help!

An act of desperation?

I think for someone who "isn't taking this seriously", you are taking the situation seriously.

When you take something do you leave a note?

Iike if im at work and someone brings donuts, i get a post it and put "edgar was here" and i put a happy face:) lol. same thing with my friends, lol.

Will skittles melt if they are in a box ?

Depends on how hot they get. They'll last a lot better than chocolate or similar. I had a box I left in the car on a really hot day, and when I got back the box was the colour of the skittles and some had nearly melted through onto the car seat.

Are you really suppposed to brush your cats teeth.?

She has some pearly whites. And you cant see any tarter. But it does smell like fish. But its not that bad.

I have text Alice Cooper on this one, but to no avail;?

If Skid Row registered their name as a trademark, nobody would be able to copy it. Otherwise I'm pretty sure the name is up for grabs.

How do i fix my router conection??

ok i have this problem, i have 1 desktop , 1 laptop ok? i have a modem with 500k, normal contract, desktop modem conected to pc, but i bought a router BELKIN trademark version 7001, and i dont know what to do, i folowed up the instructions and the internet falls everytime ( i know this is illegal but i know people who still does this and their internet works perfectly) ( my laptop works good with this internet)i need Fast answers please, im losing patience it was a lot of money trashed(well detailed answer please, no HARVARD WISE explanation cz i wont get it). Thanks for your help i appreciate

What music video was Zac Efron in before he was a huge star?

I remember I used to love the song but I can't remember what the song was called...I think the singer's last name was paltrow but I'm not entirely sure. Does anyone remember?

Why do Lebanese schools give so much homework?

This is a world wide problem i still remember when i was in that age my mom use to sit beside us and help us to finish the homework, and regarding the backpack it is a reall punishment but the problem is that by the time if the boy or girl us to carry it by himself or herself the back problems begin and it may conduct a spinal deviations or something. Ä°t is better to carry on a small luggage with wheels. Now i see my neighbours and friends suffering the same problem regarding the homeworks of their sons in the firsts grades, then afther 4th grade they leave this helping to extra cles in the afthernoon. Sometimes i think that the children are lossing their childhood in homeworks and exams and extra clases..and the worse when the reach the puberty they are a reall antisocial guys flying in their science world..they even sometimes forget how to say hi...but that is the cost of global competition!.

Who is NOT enjoying the snow in the UK?

Its annoying might look nice with everything being white but its affecting travel, and its scary to walk outside. I have this fear of skidding and falling over. I nearly broke my leg last year, slipping on ice. I hate being cold.

What cellphone would you get between a CURVE or a BLACKJACK?

it depends...if your a guy get the blackjack if your a female you can pick either one...the on on the curve are so small that it take alot longer to send txt, i'm in the same boat so i upgraded my girlfriend (WIFE) phone and her bro and i liked the blackjack like you mention you can do movies and music and he hasn't had problem as far as battery and that because he talk alot or i should say txt. the blackberry is cool i like it only because it an lcd screen but other than that i would say go with the blackjack because it has alot more offer...if your about look get the blackberry if it about feature get the jack.

Is he into me?????????

give him some (more) signal. flirt back, smile at him, or else. otherwise both of u will find urselves not seeing each other after high school... pushing urself is really worth it, trust me there's no chance he'll bite.

Can i run Call of Duty 2 on high ?

If all you have is a P4 and an AGP video card, it's time to buy a new computer. You could run the game on high with a new video card but it wouldn't be worth the cost and it's nearly impossible to find AGP video cards. Save up for a new machine.

Is radiation therapy for cancer safe?

you wont be affected, she wont be radioactive. it goes through her it doesnt stay in her. only chemo stays in you for a bit. you should be worried about making her more sick not the other way around.

What are the cheapest tablets i can give a stray sheepdog for worms?

and why does he jump up near my neck when i take him for a walk,he is the mascot of our street and an excellent guard dog we all have our own, but we look after him too.and i nearly forgot what do you think of flee collars.Neighbour used one on her dog and it caused a nasty open wound all round its neck

Where can I buy a 10% or higher phosphate solution?

I need to know where I can buy a 10% or higher phosphate solution for my semester project. 10 points goes to whoever can tell me where to buy an exactly 10% solution.

Are there any good chinchilla breeders in or near st.augustine florida?

I was going to get a little chinny from my local pet store but when I took a closer look at them they looked very sick! they had cloudy eyes and missing patches of fur, they were living in a two foot finch cage! I did some reaserch and found out that it was better to get them from a breeder but I don't know any or where to find them near st. augustine florida, Ps i am willing to drive from st. augustine to cocao beach. Plz plz help! Thx

Advil Cold and Sinus does nothing for me... what else to try?

I think you might want to give it a little more time? If you keep changing meds and not giveing either enough time, you could end up in the hospital with some king of overdose. Have you tried Menthol cough drops? Usually menthol opens up everything. Also hot tea with lemon and honey will help.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Remember how liberal media polls said Kerry won all 3 debates AND lead in the exit polls? How'd that turn out?

Yes I do- in fact they were saying even before the West Coast had stopped voting that Kerry would win.

I have a question for Muslims or anyone who knows about the Muslim faith?

Why is it so important to not have ANY traces of pig meat in food? Is it written anywhere in the Koran that one mustn't ever allow any trace of pig meat into their body? Wouldn't God forgive you if you unknowingly or accidentally ingested some?

Please give me some support im 27 and i feel like im cursed what sould i do?

first i would like too say im 27 blk male no kids and single i dont want to be desprate i feel like im going too get killed one day because of my evil past i droped out of high school when i was 18teen and i was hooked on the evil side of witch craft i caught bees and drowned them in a jar then thought i could use my mind too bring them back too life thats wasent right..i was going around covincd i could rasie the dead then my old freinds from child hood came back in my like and we was stealing cars and getting into things for no reason then i went to crises hospitals and i didnt stop there i did drugs and i got worse i all most got killed one night because my best freinds set me up ...i was ran over with a stolen car and ran down i was very scary i then was trying to figuer out the maning of like ..i guess they call i grandios ...i was on a evil war path and was very ignorant i then hooked up with my older cousins and we tryed to get into music and become the next hot sencation but i feel like i messed that up....i started drinking beer everyday and started hanging with the wrong crowd...then i totaly disrspected a big time drug dealer ..witch now im scard too speak of..then me and my mom moved to georgia and now thats where we live im not sure if we did because alot of people hated me and wanted me dead ..not sure tho but now the present depressed and lonely i have no girlfrenid no frends and i have sleep terrors everybite i just hope im not close too the devil because befor all this i was handsome and had anything and everything a young 19yr old would ever want but now i think im in trouble because of these nightmares im now schizophranic and i dont like it one bit ....i have panic attacks feels like i have no soul i feel like im going to die..i made lots of mistaks in my past and i feel like what goes around comes arond and its my turn too feel pain..honestly i dont want too suffer ...i feel like i cant talk too anyone or make freinds my family puts up with my illness but it feels like emotional blacmail they are just therw with me nobody come around me too kick it or anythjng...i now go to a wellness support group and i like going its very social but im social phobic or just plan fake so many people rub it in my face that there real and im fake i try my best to deal with these cards im now dealt but its hard im over weight now and and trying my best too lose it ...i pray everysingle day even tho i have night mares i hear vocies of people in ther homes telling my house to shut up or telling me im weird it hurts me that i done all these i dont talk much like im fake and im very sad all the time .y docter told me straght up that god is not going to help me my meds is the only solution that hurts because i try everyday and im super nerves im scard of open spaces and people i think noone likes to see me im loseing hope the only hope i have is fath in god i pushed myself too read every book in our home and i feeel good about that my cousin stabed me in the back with my lady freind and that hurts everyone just looks from the outside and judge me thinking of suicide because i try so hard to fix my wrongs and bettr myself but everytime im getting closer too failur evertime i think im riseing when i leave the house i have pain in my stomach and my haert races and ifeel like runing back in the house ..i guess im agoraphobic but im trying to be stronge and it hard i cant bring up my past cause it hurts that i was that stupid and blind and careless all i have is im belif in god too help give me a 2nd chance and my mom everything is so crazy all i pray for is to smile and feel goodb abut life and be thankfull ..but even if i fake it just too smile it wont help i dont wish imy life on anyone. the things i want is too be able to enjoy myself with making freinds and having a girlfreind ..i havent had in 6 years and that alone makes me feel lik im not a man i dont have any kids but i feel like its kida hopeless for me now .....the only thing im doing good in life now is going too wellness recovry group even there i feel like life is nothing too fool with ..i want to be blessed thats if im not too bad off that god will leave me ...i cant do it by myself.. pleaes be a frenid thanks

Give 2 reasons why a cancer with an inherited damaged p53 allele is not considered an autosomal recessive?

Give two reasons why a cancer ociated with an inherited damaged p53 allele is not considered an autosomal recessive Mendelian trait

Whiteheaded Spot on Head?

Yesterday i noticed that a whiteheaded spot had appeared on my Head (i'm circised). It is approx 5mm wide & 3mm high. It doesnt hurt to push it, but it is impossible to pop without going into near death pains, rofl. It hasnt gained size since yesterday, but the white part has got bigger. Please Help! And ask if you need more detail.

How do I organize a silver anniversary sporting event?

This is for a high school with a rich athletic tradition. I was thinking about a top 25 all time athletes and banquet.

Is Trademark Collections Safe To Order From?

They are in UK, but I think you don't buy directly from them; they sell to retailers, and you buy from those retailer. So you should check the reputation of the retailer that's selling on Amazon.

Is it possible to fabricate metal to make a 1970 plymouth cuda from the gound up?

Why fabricate when full quarters, front fenders, roofs, hoods, taillight panels, floor pans, trunk pans, door skins, inner wheel wells, radiator cross member and valences (front and rear) are already available. All you need is the front stub, rear frame rails, firewall, doors, various braces, a multitude of miscellaneous metal for reinforcement and a "very heavy jig" to mount it on to align all the panels properly.

Domino effect jackpot?

Stop talking about consequences we want Change Now. But wait did not Bush allow Freddy and Fanny to continue bad lones, create a prescription drug benefit he could not afford, did he not spend more federal money for schools and is not the dropout rate still climbing, and TARP will solve everything. Perhaps President Obama should realize that real Real Change would be reducing government not following in Bush's footsteps.

In Britain, would Hugh Grant's or Keira Knightly's accent be considered 'strange'?

people like hugh grant and keira knightley have typical upper cl british accents, which you wouldn't really hear in normal working/middle cl england. most people don't talk like them at all, so you don't hear them very often. :)

Why am i not able to save any more levels for quake 4 on xbox360?

This is with quake4 as played on xbox360.I was able to save up till aqueducts annex in quake 4 but beyond that how many ever objectives i complete it is not getting saved. So i have to start all over again from aquedects annex. I still have 107 GB of free space on my hard drive. Can anybody help me?

Can you make bricks out of fireplace ashes?

Because I have a ton now (I cleaned out my ash holder from my fireplace, you can just push them through the floor of the fireplace after you open a metal door kind of thing, it got full when I was pushing ashes in today so I've filled a very large garbage bag with them) And I know of uses like to use them in gardening and on ice, but I'm curious, is there a way to make bricks from them, because that would be useful for me. If so, how?

Chemistry Stoichiometry Question!!?

Naturally occurring boron exists in two isotopic forms: the more common isotope is 11B which is 80.00% abundant. Given that the average atomic m of boron is 10.81, what is the atomic m of the second isotope?

Why do people use gay as a synonym for stupid?

A lot people now use the term "that's gay" in place of "that's stupid." I'm sure most of you are guilty of this whether you are willing to admit it or not.

Rosie the riveter tattoo?

im 17 and planning to get my first tattoo this summer after i move in with my sister. i thought the rosie the riveter picture on my upper arm might be cute but my family and friends disagree. Ive wanted it for a long time and the picture itself holds a lot of personal meaning. what do you think?

Where do bed bugs come from?

Yesterday I hoovered my matress and changed my bed clothes with fresh clean ones. Then last night I got bitten twice...strangely enough in the exact same place on each leg - on the inside thigh. I haven't been bitten in bed for a good while, so would least expect it to happen after hoovering and change the bed cloths. Any ideas?

What stain remover product should i use for a microfiber sofa?

An upholstery cleaner with Oxy in it would probably take off the footprint, but ink pen--boy--that will bleed if you touch it with almost anything. You better consult a professional . Alcohol will remove ink--problem is on fabric it bleeds, so the stain gets larger but lighter. I wouldn't touch it with anything. If it weren't for th ink, I'd do the couch with a Rug Doctor.

Log burner v old traditional fireplace in old house?

Any advice from interior designers or renovators please!! I've got a 400 yrs old house. In the living room there is a very old black fireplace, it's got a black canopy and a fancy little black surround bit that patterned. The mantelpiece is marble but in a bad state although we're keeping it. The fireback and chimney needs work, ie re-build and chimney insert. We really fancy a log burner and the log burner man said we could take off the black canopy and leave the fancy trim bit that surrounds it and stand the log burner in front on some old quarry tiles we have. The tiles that surround the fire back are ancient, a pear pattern, but most of them are missing or damaged, all that bit would be ripped out and replaced with a flat back steel piece for the log burner to stand in front of. if I take off the canopy I'll store it in the Attic for future generations to put back if need be..... I'm really in a dilemma about the whole thing, I don't know which way to go. A log burner would be better as the fire sometimes blows back and it's hard work looking after a real fire. What do you think? should I renovate old fireplace or replace with log burner?

Do Liberals think the world would be a better place if Saddam & his sons were still in charge of Iraq?

Yes I do think the world would be a better place. The US would not be as deeply in debt as it is now if we had not attacked Iraq. The cost of removing Saddam was too great and not worth it.

How do i get music that i want from youtube on my desktop in my music?

Ok i have windows music maker and i dont have the song i wnat in my desktop in fact i odnt have any songs the song i want is tru luv by ray j and t-hud but i cant put it in my desk top how do i do it

I feel so guilty cos I've lost Galvatron the hamster!Help!?

It was my own stupid fault he seemed ok running about then he disappeared. I've done all the usual stuff, checked everywhere with a torch, set up a pitfall trap with a bucket and a ramp, and put out food for him. I know that he around, as he has definitely eaten some food I left out. His cage is on the floor and open so he could easily get back in it. Has anyone got any other tips?The next step is setting up a Longworth trap to catch him, but I'm really wary about it, as from personal experience they cause stress.

Does this set back the Creationist theorists? ?

There is plenty of other evidence. But as long as the lizard remained a lizard, it's not going to impress creationists.

My sweet 16 is in 10 days! and i need some HUGE help!party ideas,? invitations?entertainment????? PLEASE HELP!

MY 16TH Birthday is in 10 days! im inviting around 30 people.most are family, friends from church a d some from school. my colors are dark pink, pale pink&Gold. iwant it to look very fancy, oldfasion&tail all at the same time. im using gold silver ware, white plates w. gold lining. and im gonna try to go to tj max and find some champane fluets.tea lights and lots of tuel.rose petals and a plastic pink carpet. i want tealights everywere and my party will be at night. since i wont have dancing what kind of genre music should i have? franie j? more oldie but elegant. and what kind of activities can we do? i have older sisters so maybe there friends can put on a fasion show?my 2 older brothers will be butlers and serve stuff and open the door.:) im on a budget so i cant overspend? any ideas?thanks. my friends arent use to no dancing parties so i need big help!

If a crock pot recipe calls for a LOW setting of 6-8 hours, what would that be on a HIGH setting?

Can they even be converted? THANKS! (Low on time...I meant to start this a couple of hours ago, and it got away from me!) :o)

I searched for an actress' height, then in, i saw saddam hussein on list, it shud be deleted

i dont think saddam hussein is a name to be included in the category of celebrity. dont you you all think?

Who sings the song from the 70's I think?

It was a r&b song with these lyrics, "Shoo be doo wap, shoo shoo shoo be doo wap, Remembering the things we used to do, the places we used to go and everything was oh so mel-low....I'd love to show you right now

Why is there no more common curteousy or decency anymore?

It seems that all of our morals and lessons have gone bye-bye. I cant even give the cashier at the grocery store a coupon without her rolling her eyes as if I've put her out! People dont look at you in the eye anymore, let alone smile or say hello. I wish for a kinder gentler world. Please reinforce my beliefs that there might still be some kind people out there.

Does it worry you that Huckabee and Palin are polling ahead sane Republicans?

For the 2012 Republican Presidential Primaries. Palin and Huckabee are now ahead of people like Romney and Pawlenty. This worries me as a Republican because I may have to leave the GOP on a permanent basis if we ever were to nominate a populist, creationist nutter like Palin or Huckabee. We need reform in the GOP and we start by returning to our roots as fiscally conservative social moderates. We are ceasing to become the party of Lincoln, Grant, Eisenhower and Reagan and are moving towards the party of Herbert Hoover, Ted Haggart, Larry Craig, David Duke and Carbou Barbie.

Need help understanting my teenagers ims?

i was looking at my teenagers ims on her cell phone and i need to know what does FOB and LMAO mean? Im not nosy, i just wannna make sure.

I need some good music! i like almost everything. help please!?

Taylor swift fearless , the best day, tell me why , you belong with me , breath , and fifteen taylor swift is the best

Not a qu jonathan T i hate you candice is da best diva ever?

ps. hottest divas maria,candice,eve,cherry,michelle mc,mickie james,ashley if i left some out please tell me

Im really shy around him?

Okay, ive liked this boy from my science cl for years now. He's so cute but most of the girls like him. I gave him a valentines card last year and didnt hear anything form it even though he knew it was me. His mum knew my aunty and sed he put it on his fireplace and when we came to my uncles 40th we couldnt stop staring at eachother. In science, im really shy, around boys i am, my friends can say anything, but me, i stand there smiling like an idiot. He allways talks to me and i try say something but then giggle. Ive got science tomoz and i would love an answer today coz he told me he liked me but then i asked his friend if he ment it and he sed i dont reli no, he thinks your shy!!! I HAVE HALF OF A DAY to make myself confident and i dont no what to do HELPP!!!! please!

Lymph Nodes react with thyroid disease?

Im 16 year old girl and have Graves' Disease. I have had radioactive iodine for my thyroid so I no longer have one. About a week ago my lymoh node in my right armpit began to swell. It is now large and very painful, to where I can barely move my arm. Could this be related to my thyroid problem?


I would choose Chile personally, because I already live in Europe so in theory, could go to the Czech Republic whenever I want. You would also get to improve your spanish in chile, which looks good on the CV. However, I know that C.R. is beautiful and I know some Czech people who are really nice. You also have the bonus of being in Europe, so you have easy access to all the other European countries. But it's colder in the C.R. than it is in Chile, so that might be a factor you have to think about. What are the courses like in each of the countries? That should be something to think about, because you don't want to be overworked, or bored with the subject, etc.

European culture. More progressive or just more mature?

I often hear people on the political Left cite the Euros as having a more progressive culture. 6 weeks of paid vacation for everybody, generous maternity/paternity leave benefits, gov't istance for new mothers, legal pot, universal healthcare, etc. Things that would be a hard sell in conservative middle-America, yet at the same time it's considered not big deal to pinch a woman on the ; an act that could easily land you in jail here. Child (the legal equivalent of a nuclear bomb in the States) is not considered that big a deal. It's considered pretty much normal for powerful men to have mistresses, and the naked female bod is a common advertising tool. Stuff frowned upon by the Progresive community in America. Quite the paradox! It seems even the Left in America is pretty conservative in comparison!

Will Tim Tebow start day 1 for the Broncos?

I honestly think that McDaniels is trying to prove something, and will start Tebow day one and say that he 'gives the team the best chance to win.' Am I right here, or not?

Is it true that guys like big girls and never tell anyone?

OK i ask this because there is this big girl at my school shes very tall and is big weight-wise and is know around the school for doing very hoeish (pardon my language)acts A LOT and i feel like at times and im a very well put together big girl and i feel like dudes hit on me on the DL at school and i just really wanted to know lol do guys really like big girls and they just don't tell anyone ???

More jokes for the ladies heheheh?

if you were a man, i'd ask you to marry me. these are hysterical. thanks for the much needed laughs.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Reggie Bush or Pierre Thomas?

I am in a similar situation. I am in a 13-team league with a max of 6 RB's. I have 6, Pierre Thomas, Ahmad Bradshaw, Knowshown Moreno, LT, Peyton Hillis, and Jahvid Best and another guy dropped Reggie Bush last night to pick up a Monday night player. I obviously don't really NEED Reggie, but I have the 1st waiver and Bush is really tempting with Pierre's shady ankle. What to do, what to do...

Do you think that popular music is becoming more and more predictable, flavorless and disposable?

Yeaa music today SUCKS because everything sounds exactly the same. Everything is electronic and nothing is original.

Where do you get the Skittles in the Skittles Mystery Tent Collection Quest?

The only place I know where to get it is in the Games Room (Aisha Mirror and Grundo Mirror). Does anyone know where else?

Creative ways to say "Breathe" symbolic of great health?

"Always remember to slow down in life; live, breathe, and learn; take a look around you whenever you have time and never forget everything and every person that has the least place within your heart.”

Granddaughter 7 years old is being bullied at school.?

My granddaughter who lives with us is being bullied by her friend at school. I find it hard to cope with her tears. Her friend says she wont be her friend, runs away from her and generally bullies her. What should I do about it?

Is there any MCR songs for Clarinet?

I sort of need to know a.s.a.p. cause it's for a concert thingy. I'm looking more for the interludes but any will do.

Graduation announcement quote?

I need a good quote to put on our school's graduation announcements. Our mascot is the Lion which would be cool if that was incorporated, but it definitely doesn't have to be. We just want a really good quote!

What is God's Most Holy Name that will be sanctified, yet you are afraid to mention it among yourselves? it?

True, there's no J in the old Welsh alphabet, but by today it has been incorporated into the language...for foreign-based words only... j�c (joke), jam, jeli (jelly) etc... it's the same situation as 'w' in French.

Is it wrong of me to have a laugh about this incident...?

No it is NOT wrong...tell him you were laughing at the situation, NOT HIM. He should understand; but if not...then you guys are not each other's type...sorry. I mean he is from Pakistan...sorry.

How many bikers cut between cars at stop lights?

many people do the samething. i however cant since i live in ga and it is against the law. you know how cops are with bikes. the theory behind allowing bikes to move to the front is that we take up less space and it will allow more cars to get through the light at an intersection. i say keep on doing it man. you not hurting anyone your actually helping them

Is ares safe to use..i want to know cuz i dont know if i should get it?

NO!!! Windows Defender detected it as a unwanted program. Do not install Ares!! Its full of viruses!!! More than Limewire!!

I would like to make tattoo in my back.?

but i confuse choose between lotus, a wing (like nicole richie did) or spider??? i just want to make it simple and not too big.

To use An, or A in this context?

When speaking of the letter L, since when you sound it out, sounds like ell, do you say, an L, or a L? I was just wondering what the basic grammatical rules were on occurrences like these.

How to remove virus in keyboard?

when i'm typing, characters automatically pop up like "b\\*" and the right-click menu. also when i go to start menu it automatically scroll up to 'notepad' and opens it! also num lock toggles off and on by itself.i have nod32 and uniblue, both detected no errors. i also did a system restore, but i did it to restore after windows xp sp3, which i installed like days ago... maybe the sp3 have problems. oh ya. this is dell dimension 2350. will buying a new keyboard get rid of the virus?(if it is virus)

Freeze tomatoes now...can them later?

You can freeze them....however they loose a lot of their flavorings and natural goodness. I dont do it though.

Does anyone know this movie?

Several years ago, I watched a very good film in which I do not know the title of. In the film, a woman was sent or captured into some religious(christian) covenant or community. The setting was in a snowy and cold climate. In this community they wanted to impregnate this woman, so they send her to a priest. Unfortunately, this woman does not get pregnant by the priest, instead they send her to a young handsome soldier, who impregnates her. Strange but good film. I just don't know the name of it.

How much money would it take you to crossdress?

i think it would cost the person abut 15$ to get me to. ive secretly always wanted to wear a bra and i dont know why

Any Straight Edgers here? Would I be considered a straight edge?

I really don't believe someone is "straight edge" unless they're ociated with the punk culture.

How far north can palm trees be found?

It depends what you consider to be a "palm tree." Most people only consider Coconut Palms or Date Palms palm trees. Some people consider yucca plants and bananas to be palm trees. However, neither yuccas nor bananas are palms and there are many more species of palms than Coconuts and Dates. There are palm trees with fan shaped leaves (people often mistake these for yuccas) ranging in height from short and bush-like to towering and those with feather shaped leaves (like the Coconut) which are more ociated with the tropics. True palm species can grow as far from the equator as the British Isles in Europe, British Columbia on the North American west coast, Connecticut on the North American east coast, and Korea on the east coast of East Asia. Most palms in far northern regions are fan-type palms and often do not grow to more than eight to ten feet tall. Some hardy species that can survive in these locations include Sabal minor, Rhapidophyllum hystrix, Trachycarpus fortunei, and Chamerops humulis.

I'm having trouble with my crochet circle. I'm doing double crotchets in each round but now becausei did shell?

Stitches in the last round, it's started too turn up and crinkle, could someone plz tell me how to rectify this without undoing all my crochet could I decrease all on this row to make it flat?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

What does this mean in english? (french)?

the female has got a virus who transfers to her babies, she is completely healthy, but her babies have got breath problems

Does the fundamentalist interpretation of the Rapture imply that God's OK with abortion?

If an unborn child is not saved, and since fundamentalist evangelicals tend to believe both that an embryo is a person and that a person must repent and believe to be saved, does that not mean that if a pregnant woman is raptured during her first trimester, that's effectively an abortion? And if so, how can they still claim that abortion is murder? If God does it, is it OK?

Live-action Code Ge - Read the whole question first, please... - who would play Lelouch?

Okay, before you guys answer that Code Ge isn't something that should be made into a live action sequence, please read this whole question and see that I realize it's not a good idea, and would prefer that it not happen. I've been wondering about this for a while. I've seen a few thoughts from fans about who would make a good live-action cast of a Code Ge movie. I saw one April Fool's joke that said Fox studio had bought the movie rights to the show and were planning on making Hugh Laurie play Lelouch. That, obviously, doesn't fit. But, I'm wondering, who *would* make a good live-action Lelouch? I was thinking perhaps Zachary Quinto, but I'm not entirely sure. What do you guys think? Tell me your ideal live-action Code Ge movie cast. And, this is keeping in mind that when you make a live-action version of an anime, you've pretty much signed its death warrant (except that I've heard good things about the Deathnote movie). Anyway, just let me know what you guys think. That's really all I want to hear is some fan's opinions. I'll give ten points to the best movie cast. Thanks.

I need help with Parabolas :(?

I cannot comprehend this stuff. My teacher isn't very good at explaining either. I'm in Algebra 2 and we are covering Graphing and Properties of Parabolas. I know how to use a graphing calculator. Buuuut I do not know how to Identify the vertex, axis of symmetry, and direction of opening. I'm guessing the opening is which ever way the V opens. So thats not a biggie. Could someone show me how to identify the vertex and axis of symmetry with this problem? 1. y=2(x+10)^2+1 is it real or scam,costly,high charges ?

I received this brochure in the mail describing how i can create my own store online with goggle,yahoo, ebay,msn. a meeting is set up a Various hotels

Why is Antarctica important?PLEASE HELP US!?

Also...what threats is antarctica under and how can it be conserved and managed to sustain it's environment?

Need help for fantasy i got some people on bye and need to choose a reciever?

i can choose from pierre garcon (IND), jonhy knox (CHI), or nate burleson (SEA). i know they all suck but i dont have any other option

Need to know how this cancerian woman really feels?

ok heres the thing i told this woman (star sign cancer) that i had feelings for her and wanted to know if she felt the same about me. three months have gone by and she still hasnt given me an answer.she still talks to me when we see each other in the street but she wont answer my txts or calls.should i take that as a sign she is not interested? or does she need more time to think on it? confused taurus ;(

Miley and Mandy show made fun of the Selena and Demis vlogs?

I'm telling you, the fame is going to Miley's head, she's milking the attention. If you look on her album on her message it doesn't say thank you to her fans at all, it says, "Thanks for buying my CD I really appreciate it", but the Jonas Brothers CD has like a whole section/mini paragraph of them thanking their fans. It's a shame to see Miley now because she used to be a cute and bubbly Disney girl, now she thinks she's everything and then when she goes on TV she tries to cover it up and act all sweet and daddy's little girl. The fame is going to her head, it's true. Selena and Demi get my vote today :)

Winston Churchill on Obama?

I doubt Churchill ever comment on Barack Obama. Obama isn't an appeaser. That's an empty claim from the Right. The GOP failed and left a mess in their wake. Obama is batting clean up.

What does it mean to pay 12,000 per semester? link inside?

Schools have terms much like HighSchools. These are called Semesters. Usually two per year. So, for each Semester, the college would charge you $12,500 to go to schoo lthere. This does not include books, fees, living expenses etc.

How do I prevent constipation when my toddler hates foods that will keep her bowel healthy?

Will she eat applesauce or plums? Maybe if she will not eat the whole fruits put them in the blender and try to create other ways for her to eat the foods (sort of like the deceptively Delicious cookbook). Also if you do not give her many options eventually she will eat more or if you dip the foods in things she likes you might have greater chances of her eating it.

Super injunctions do you think these are front runners?

i don't think Barney is really a dinosaur and i would check his criminal record to see if he had a history of paedophilia im just saying .Also the Mickey Mouse Club what a sham that has prod used more drug addicts than any other Club and they were Hells Angels main suppler the 6 Seals need to raid them. Plus has anyone got Jessica Rabbits phone number i have only done it with a few cartoons ( olive Oil the granny that owns Tweety ) and i have a taste for them ooohhhh what i would do to her no paddy cake for me .

How to dye your hair with kool aid?

my friends and i are being brett michaels and the top 3 girls from rock of love 1 for halloween. im jess and i have short brown hair. i want to dye my hair with kool aid to make the front pink like hers. here's the method i plan on using: boiling water, red kool aid, dip my hair in it then put in conditioner and wrap it in saran wrap. here are my two questions: 1. is this a good method? 2. how long should i leave it in for? and 3. she's blonde. im not. will some sort of yellow kool aid take to my hair? oo and one more question...does any one have any tips on how to make my hair spiky like hers?

Is it possible to grow corn both sustainably and organically?

If so, what are some methods? Such as in backyard gardening and I want to make a small corn garden, both sustainable and organic. Any ideas on natural, organic fertilizers/pesticides if any? Also.. how could I conserve water, such as rain to water my garden with?

Is there a lotto in Australia using our e-mail?cause i have just receive one? is it legal? is it fraud?

Is there a lotto in Australia using our e-mail?cause i have just receive one? is it legal? is it fraud?

Which of the eight thousand EARMARKS can Obama NOT see?

Sadly all of them. He said there are none, zero, zippo. Even his own party admits the bill is loaded. 60% are from dems, 40% from republicans.


Hi, I got my period on Sunday but although I have the cramps and back ache etc, very very little blood - in fact hardly any at all am 38 and wondering whether my periods are slowing down or whether I might even be pregnant - should I do a pregnancy test? I am on the contraceptive pill and am dreading the thought of approaching menopause this early! Any ideas? Thanks for reading ... x

Interconnectivity of time and space?

As we look out in the universe, we're looking back in time because it took a finite amount of time for the light to reach us from distant objects. The universe is not actually younger. This is like asking if you can go back in time by entering the yard because you have pictures of last year's birthday happening there.

Can someone tell me abut ancient eygyptian religion, gods, mythology mummifacation, etc.?

the Egyptians religion is based upon gods of the first time who is called the Zep Tepi and how they went out of the program of Orion and became star-walkers or gods themselves and walked among men as gods. I believe that Osiris,Ra,Thoth,Sut,Mut,Nut,Sekhemet all these hybrid Egyptian gods were hybrids who were priest of Atlantis and that they were a remnant of that onced dwelled in that area. Mummification was taught by the Zep Tepi they were trying to become immortal like the strange gods they meet know as the Zep Tepi..

Is it just me or does Brink not look like this?

You have to remember this was back in 2009. The game went through ~2 more years of development, so it was destined to change.

Where can I buy those Tater Mitts things?

Walmart had them in the front of the store today. Buy 1 get 1 free. Do you want me to pick you up some?

Ugh my older brother is so annoying!?

my brother is about 14 in 9th grade around me he is just nonstop annoying whether its farting on me or whiping boogers on me. im 13 and its just discusting and annoying. hes only like this when its just us. never when his friends are over its just SO freekin annoyying someone help me out

Who's Mandy Moore's current boyfriend?

Info about Mandy Moore: She will be here in the Philippines this March 12,2008. Live at Eastwood City 7:30PM in Manila. She's going to have a concert during that time

If u have dyed ur hair in the past . . ?

This color is not entirely has brown highlights..I think it's easier if you simply go to a beautician and show the pic. Good luck!

Why do people respond to questions with not an answer but a criticism?

People on here do not ask questions to get snoody cynical remarks, they ask to get beneficial answers. If a person does not know the answer to a question then why do they leave an "answer" that is just hostile and immature?

Should we start killing Iraqis one a minute until they agree to stop being such monsters?

That will not affect my life one way or the other. But we should do that to the monsters living off my tax dollar in US prisons!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Opinions of these Names for TUPLETS!?

I love the names you have picked out! I do love the name Olivia but it's also about to be a very common name for the new generation. I love the name Joss but I don't see it fitting in as a middle name as well as the ones you already chose. Congratulations on your 6 new daughters!! :-)

Can someone explain the Catholic religion to me?

Great questions, I wold really like to know some answers to these as well. especially to your first one about how pope's and presits and stuff can't get married when we know that their own PROPHETS use to get married. Abraham got married and he even had TWO wives.

Can anyone recommend any doentaries?

Hey I want to learn more...well about anything! Religion, politics, environment their any doentaries, shows, or anything you recommend?! I would say books but I dont really have the time to read right now.

Help with baby boy names?

I absolutely love Hunter. I like Logan too but it's getting to be too popular. I guess my least favorites would be Slaton, John, and Casey.

Belly on piercings?

Sorry, you're just too young right now. Keep in mind that it takes 9-12 months for a navel piercing to heal and they are easily infected, even under the best cirstances. It would probably be best to wait until you're a little older.

Why are atheists so scientifically illiterate?

I haven't seen one good defense for atheism that doesn't revolve around stupid arguments about how lack of evidence is supposed to disprove hypotheses, nonsense about unicorns and werewolves, idiotic remarks like "you can't prove a negative" and "the burden of proof is on you" and other rot that displays a blatant misunderstanding and ignorance of the scientific method.

Will Sarah Palin be the first American President?

Anybody would be better than Obama and personally I would sleep like a baby with her at the helm. Enjoy the link before he has it pulled

Problems with religion in my relationship?

I am Roman Catholic and my girlfriend is a non-denominational Christian. Although she might not say so, she doesn't agree with Catholicism and believes that Catholicism split from Christianity. I don't think she knows the history or beliefs of us Catholics and we want children but she doesn't want them going to my church. I think it is more out of ignorance and not understanding of Catholicism. I just don't know how to explain it to her without her shutting me up or just not listening. I kind of get a "holier than thou" vibe and don't know what to do.

Christians, do you use the Bible or a new version?

i personally use the King James 1611 & i firmly believe it is God's word without error. out of curiousity, i was wondering how many of you use the Bible or prefer a new version & why?

Story question?

i think that a disease that causes her muscles to become really weak, that reappears randomly is the best. if she should be born with it then the disease just appears throughout her life..but make it more stronger as a teen...i think it would work well hope i could help and good luck!

Is there a way to scan your e-mails before you open them?

ok so i ordered something online and they sent me back an e-mail today that said my order has been shipped but the e-mail went into my bulk folder instead of my inbox and i am afraid to open it becaus it could have a virus and im also affraid someone is trying to phis me,so i want to know is there a way to make sure my e-mail is safe to open before i open it.(ps the site i ordered it from was a secure site)

Why is it that, despite the fact that homeopathy has been shown to be totally worthless,?

I certainly agree with Dr. Frank and Rhianna. People expect miracles on a daily basis from medicine, and when that does not happen they call foul and accuse the medical system of hiding cures in order to maximize their profits. My soon-top-be-exwife, a registered dietitian with a Masters Degree, strongly believes in homeopathy. Of course when that does not work then she hustles in to see a traditional physician. When I ask her about why she takes homeopathic substances, all I get is this round-about mumbo jumbo about how science doesn't know everything, but that she does. Apparently the scientific method is somehow too restrictive. Serious. The only thing I can think of is that somehow the placebo effect is operative in those cases when people claim a cure (or most likely relief from what are probably psychological symptoms). She also believes in astrology and plans her life around it, and tried to do the same for me. No thanks, dear.

Your Opinion: America using drop weapons?

well as most people that dont watch fox news know, that this isall true, the fact that there is military corruption in the us military is abviously there, but as for the planting weapons on innocent civilians it is a possibility, although i havent heard about it in the media, which they obviously wouldnt want to report there own corruption, i do there is tons and tons of military corruption going on, and as for getting away with murder, yeah they can, i mean the only reason america wanted to attack a innocent country was for greed and power

I need help in the Zelda Phantom Hourgl game on DS!!!!?

I am on the last floor of the Ghost Ship tring to find the last sister and tetra. I pull the levers in the order it says but nothing happens. I have even looked at the walkthrough to see what to do and it looks like i am doing it right. What am I doing wrong?

About food pyramid?

wt significant dietary changes hv occurred over the past 50 yrs? the new food pyramid looks a lot different than the traditional one. wt reasons exist for the radical changes proposed?

Would you like to see ROH and TNA at War (Screw WWE!!!, IT FOR KIDS NOW!!!)

Wwe wont give it to them a war because they are only a dot in wwe redar. There not even close to wwe popularity. They can't even beat ecw ratings. Does that tell you something.

I need help with scrambling QBs in the NFL?

well if you got mike vick as a scrammblin QB you gotta have donovan mcnabb... if i were you i would have ben roethelisbuerger, tim tebow, jay cutler, and maybe sam bradford from oklahoma... cause he can run when it's needed.

What are your top 5 favorite 3D rides in Orlando?

new ride at Disney's Hollywood Studios - Toy Story Mania! It is awesome, get fast p though. See video on the link below. Keep in mind though the video does not really capture the total awesomeness of the ride.

Why is there a connection between Judy Garland and the gay population?

Judy Garland was one of the first major stars to acknowledge gay fans. From her character in the Wizard of Oz, the phrase "friend of Dorthy" emerged as a self-identifier of gay men in the mid-20th century. So I guy might ask another in the bar, "Are you a friend of Dorthy?" if he said yes that meant he was also gay.

Can gluten intolerance be the source of a consistent elevated Epstein Barr and Peripheral neuropathy?

Can an intolerance to lactose, gluten when ingested uncontollerable be the source for a toxic reaction that it cause CNS with peripheral neuropathy in the feet? Does diet paly a role that important if one is not able to process it, and does it interfer with the normal vitamin absorbtion so that it could be the cause as well?

T-Macs legacy: the unlucky superstar?

you cant blame tracy for this series loss. if you do you are so naive, 40pts 50% 10rbs 5asts look at what hes done this series hes put up MVP like numbers hes distributing the ball like a mad man tryin to get things going but hes not getting any help , its just brick after brick specifically from B jackson. Look at T-MAcs career he just hasnt had manythings to work with hes had to turn something out of nothing its just been like that. the only reasonable time to blame tracy for not ping the first round was when his magic blew a series lead to pistons and last year. so he should only be blamed for for 2 out of the 7 series, hes just had bad luck. so what do the rockets really need to do to help him out and stop making him look bad for next year?

I have noticed that people who live in places with lack of sunlight are more bitter. Why?

Hate to say it but there is some truth to this. I noticed that when there's a lot of sun that I'm usually more happy or energetic but when it's cloudy it feels a little...well not depressing but let's say gloomy and stuff.

Which of the following compounds in the given pair reacts the slowest with sodium azide, NaN3?

ethyl chloride in DMF or ethyl chloride in Ethanol? I know that DMF is aprotic and ethanol is protic, but can't figure out which solvent would cause a faster reaction. I think the answer is ethanol. Can anyone offer some help? Thank you

Nerf bars for my blaster.?

I recently purchased some tusk nerf bars for my 2000 yamaha blaster. The problem is they wont fit right unless i take off my stock heel guards. anyone know what i could do? or where to get some plastic heel guards??? (dont even say ebay)

Is this computer a elite gaming pc? (Updated)?

Man that was 1 mean PC ya got. 2 video cards is just enough for games and design, So why need the third. If you really in design, maybe a third is okay. With that rig, enabling physx is better to gain more quality from your rig.

Rich family, but your not, and people think you are rich?

I have parents with money. They have never given any to me or my siblings or any grandchildren. They don't play the parent or grandparent role. They keep to themselves, spend lavishly and call when they need to vent about getting older. People have always umed i have money or that i would eventually get it. They expect me to pick up the tab or give more, when monetary input is needed. Anyone else experience this?

Eagles Hotel California Meaning? DEATH?

Hedonism and greed in Southern California in the '70s, particularly within the music industry. (, drugs, and rock and roll).

Biggest challenge for Atheists?

Sorry you went over their heads, having taken philosophy and rhetoric, and some courses on sequential thought processes I got your drift not bad but I will prefer to wait on God's answer, call me 'the fool on the hill'. BTW I'd have said an atheist's greatest challenge was walking and chewing gum at the same time, but who am I, just the 800 lb creationist in the room?

Students In Blackface "Jena 6" Reenactment. Can you rebuke my theory?

Those who truly do not want to be convinced cannot be convinced. You seem to be very set in maintaining your current opinions. I find no point in attempting to dissuade you, because it doesn't seem like you are at all receptive to a different point of view. So believe what you like.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Duac and Proactiv refining mask? Bad combo?

pick one. duac or proactive. both is not a smart idea cuz they have different active ingredients so they will just irritate the skin and cause more breakout. if you feel duac is not for you then you can rule out benzoyle peroxide. BP is not for you. anything with benzoyle peroxide will eff your face up. the refining mask is Sulfur. anything with sulfur works for you. seriously know and read what you're putting on your face. it's all written in the back of the product. i can't use benzoyle or sulfur or not even salicylic acid cuz my face breaks out to anything. sensitive skin. my only acne medicine has been Doxycycline pills and they work great. however, good luck to you if you decide to skip a day or even a pill. i use a natural milk and honey organic soap for my face cuz its mild and moisturizing. it's not soap with some type of acne medication or strong cleaning agents. it's just regular natural organic stuff and it works fine for me. anyway. bottom line, you could try out the duac for another week or so to make your final decision. otherwise just go with what you know works and use the proactive mask.

Is she going to be done with me?? did I mess it up?

Well id feel really loved and cared for that you wrote a huge text. And honestly, not many guys express themselves like you just did and its definitely a plus. I think you should go see her and confront her in person and tell her how you feel. Prove to her that your love is genuine and something she can rely on for years to come, and maybe even for life. I think she'd feel really love that you care that much for her and i hope she realizes and accepts/respects your feelings. Best of luck =D

Division 23 snowboard, boots and Silence bindings. For 110 good buy? Good brand? Anyone know as I don't.?

Ok so im getting an offer for a division 23 snowboard division 23 boots and the bindings are by silence. The price is 110 is this a good buy? Now I have never gone snowboards and want something used for beginner but still good. Are the decent brand and decent price? They are in very good condition.

Ok so our laptop crashed and we put a new hard drive in it...?

it originally came with vista but we did not get a disk when we bought the laptop. so we tried to install xp just to see if we got it fixed and at a later date put vista back on it. when we got the laptop i did a back up (5 or 6 cds.) do i have to use vista to get that back up to work? when i try to use xp it loads the "xp" page and then it gives me the "blue page of doom" (cant read anything on it, it goes to fast, maybe something about hd drivers. the hd is bran new, no cds or n e thing with it) computer is a HP Pavilion Entertainment dv6700 Special Edition. If you have any answers i would appreciate them...Thanks for you help

Will japan be stupid?

Will japan keep using nuclear energy dispsite the earth quake risks and major radiation leakage, instead of using coal,wind,solar power like most places? Seems pretty stupid of a decission to use nuclear power plants when theres alternatives at about the same cost. Not to meantion they are one of the wealthiest countrys

Can my pc supports a igb graphic card?

i have a 2006 model compaq presario whose configuration is p-4ht 2.93ghz with 910gl chipset with 1gb ddr2 ram n agp slot.I m already using a nvidia 8600gs 512 mb graphic card n i want to upgrade my graphic card to 1gb ati radeon.I just want to know that if my pc can support this graphic card

Barack obama is christian, then why is he's middle name still Hussein?

Wouldn't it be better to change it if he's running for president? I get bad ociations here.(Saddam Hussein etc.)

Math Question.......?

Erica earns 2$ per hour more than Martha. They each worked for 6 hours. Together they earned a total of 78$. How much does Erica earn per hour?

Looking to buy a synthetic western saddle?

don't. I've seen a few decent synthetic saddles, but even then I'd prefer my old beat up real leather saddle to a fake one. Most synthetic saddles don't stay in place and don't have the support across the horn area that a regular saddle would. We don't care for our western saddles (oiled maybe once every 2 years) and they're still trucking 36 years down the road. If you are absolutely set on a synthetic, be sure to get it from a tack store that will allow you to "borrow' it for 2 weeks, that way you can try it out in a few different cirstances and know if you really like it. Any decent tack store will allow this, but online usually doesn't, then you can get stuck with a saddle you hate.



XM - Sirius merger stock question?

Go to Cramer's site - he's published extensively on this and most of the experts regard it as a pure speculative play. The business has been damaged by the almost 600 day intential political power play delay. For the long term I'm a fan - the quality is excellent. Price point will be key. Best of luck with your decision.

Chi-square test on ti-83?

I am trying to do a chi-square test on a ti-83. Both the observed values and expected values are in 1 column, 4 row tables each. For observed I have 315, 101, 108, and 32, and expected I have 313, 104, 104, and 35. I carry out the test on the calculator but I get a domain error every time. I know the values are input correctly and I have the correct matrices igned to observed and expected. Any ideas on what is going wrong?

Is it true that Obama is not yet the President-Elect?

My political science teacher has said that Obama is not the President-Elect until the Electoral College votes and convenes on December 15th.

Fleece/fur ... is that weird/bad/wrong? (serious question!)?

(Anything soft like fleece, fir, microfiber and all that). I seem to get a hard on just by seeing a fleece sweatshirt or a fursuit. If I see it just hanging there I want to go and just put it on a masturbate in it for some reason I can't figure out why. I also get an when I think about wearing fleece sweatshirts and when I am wearing them I also enjoy masturbating in them, I also would like to get a fursuit and wear that and masturbate in it because I get turned on just by thinking about wearing one, am I really weird for this and is it wrong for thinking about this?

Baby Oil for SunBathing?

is it skin safe if Iodine is added??? If it is safe what is a good ratio of iodine to add per oz. ???

How do i wear this fleece jacket indoors?

i just got one of those black north face type fleece jackets, and i know you're supposed to wear it with the collar up when you're outside in the cold, but if i wear it during school do i keep the collar up?

Whats a good promo code for a cheap ticket on Spirit Air.?

Whats a good promo code for a cheap ticket on Spirit Air.? From ATL to GUA on June 11th-July 24th 2008

My wife calls herself a Puma, should I be worried?

I am gone for a total of 6 months a year for work. I noticed my woman calls herself a Puma when I'm gone. What does this mean?

Does anyone have a blackberry pearl, and are the keys to small to use?

I have fairly large hands and I can type pretty well (45-51 words a minute) on the Pearl. Your hands do have to get used to the keypad, but I think you will be fine.

Do you think Obama can defeat McCain?

The members of the electoral college are all committed to vote for the candidate who won a majority of votes in their state. Obama will win in the popular vote and in the electoral college because twice as many Democrats have been voting this year as Republicans.

Do you sometimes get grossed out by your husband?

This partly explains why I am single and intend to stay that way until death. You never really know someone until you live with them. And sometimes even then you don't really know them. When the bad points out weigh the good points I would say it is time to move on. I figured I am just one of them persons that is destined to live alone. But it's O.K. I'm happy. I have a dog.

Anyone know this horror movie?

I saw a horror movie a couple years back.cont remember the title or year,but i know ive been wanting to see it again. It started off w/ these 2 girls going to a small town and not being able to find anyone.there where eventually 2 other people that met up w/them a cop(who had shot a kid and never got over it) and somebody else.the monster in the town would make noise of people or animals to lure them out. and the monster ended up being killed w/some sort of chemical a special group of army people brought.

What store sells the cheapest ugg boots?

idk how much my mom bought mine for(i think about $150) but i'm getting my friend one for her birthday and i want to know the store online(or instore) that sells them cheap

Why do people make fun of me becuase of my underwear?

ok every body i go to school and i am very small that means i have a small bird and when i go to the loker room or even to lunch or recess 4 guys come and hang me by my underwear or show every body i went to the change room and i am in grade 8 and i am 4 foot 4 so i am no very tall comparred to every body so i only way weight 7 pounds so i am light what the guys did when i went to the change room is that they stole my pants and my shirt so i was there is my small wight whitities and i had to pee and the other thing and they wouldnt let me go they cept me there for 2 hours and i did it in my underwear so i peed and the other thing in my underwear and then they took pic and one of the guys pulled off my underwear took more pic what do i do i cant beat them up

Where can I find scholarships for international students from Venezuela studying in the United States?

I am looking for scholarships for an international student from Venezuela who wants to further his education in the United States. Does anyone know of any? Or know of any websites that may offer some help?

How to trademark a logo?

I have done this in the past for several comapnies. It's fairly complicated. You need a solicitor to do it for you and it's about 500-600 Pounds. At least it was in the late 90s. Point is though that a logo is protected once you start using it. You only need to be able to prove that you used it first. Apart from that it will only give you very limited protection.

Poll: what is p90x.....?

In the lazy song bruno mars says: tomorrow I wake up do some p90x, meet a really nice girl have some really nice.... What does he mean?

LEAVING WORK ON FRI - Farewell speach?

It's no biggie. Tell them you look forward to being back at work when you are able and have a good time.

I want to find the episode of west wing where Martin sheen orates at a ?press awards banquet? ?

He goes on to talk about the literal translation of the bible against ity and quotes other pages in the bible as well.

Help sign sis file...?

it have been 4 hours and i foundno answer to my question... how to sign sis application to install on my e65...i have tried many method but not working (genial sis - self signer...) any help will be appreciated..

Please correct grammatical error of this sentences. Thanks!?

"I love you was because you love me at first into my ideology, hobby, and my moral character, the last that my appearance."

Question MICROECONOMICS!!! Please help!?

Suppose there are two competitive markets, one with relatively elastic demand and one with relatively inelastic demand.Suppose marginal costs rise the same amount for all firms in both markets, what will happen in each market to the price and quantity traded and also what will happen to an individual firm's price, quantity traded and profit???

Israel was an important imperialist proxy from 1956 until 1991 in the middle east?

A lot of those billions of dollars come back directly to lawmakers as campaign contributions (legal bribery). A financial investment for politicians. The pirate state of Israel is clearly and obviously the root cause of terrorism but because of "campaign contributions" and biblical lies we choose to overlook this. Israel is the worst ally in the history af alliances, strictly a one sided deal. Ask any survivors from the USS Liberty if they think Israel is a friend.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Pissed cont?

why in the hell do you want to get pregnant with this man if he doesn't want you too? no wonder men are so negative about women

Help no one is ansering!!!!!!! plz help? opinions? anything????

wow, i'm asking the same question...why would he cry?? its natural for him to be disappointed, and he might have thought you didnt like him because he left him, but thats a choice you have to make. its never good to choose a boy over your girlfriend, unless that guy is your serious boyfriend, fiance or husband, then girlfriends should come first, and if he doesnt like that then you might not either. he must of just been upset i guess, but try again if you get the chance, and talk it over with your friend, tell her how you feel and ask if its ok if you dont sit by her next time

Coming out of my shell, any tips?

So, my past few years I have been very secluded, I seldom went to any parties, barely hung out with friends, never kissed a girl, you know, sad stuff. Missing out on my youth, but I wish to change. I have made one of my new years resolution to kiss a girl, but I don't know how. Not the kissing parti mean, but the act of actually finding the girl, talking to her, making her liek me, dating, whatever, until the kiss. I have benn given some advice by my friends, but what i need is a step by step thing. I know this maybe is asking too much of you, but if you could maybe condense this guide I am asking for into a few tips, that would be very helpful, and I would deeply apreciate it.

Why mark hughes don't like elano?

coz elano has one day mentioned to hughes that man utd is the greatest club in the world. hughes agreed but really disappointed with him coz it seems a denial of his ability....i guess

Why would my fish stay near the pump?

My fish just goes to the bottom of the tank, (a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a its the pump ), and basically it doesnt move. It moves when I turn on the light though. Please help! I'm scared..

Ok, let's spice up this section a little. Does it seem like women are back to liking men again?

There was never really a change. Life is a cycle, what's old is new again, and what's new will quickly become old.

How do you ask for with out making it seem bad?

Well bringing up the topic always help. Maybe if you ask her certain questions about it. One day while you two are together, tell her that you have a situation and that you want her opinion on it. Ask her how do women feel about , ask her what pleases a woman. Just ask something about . She'll begin to become curious about you. We always do.

Do you think that He is cute???? Pics??

ya i think hes pretty cute! hehe i love dorky pics. hey, y dont u put a pic of the two of u together, pleeaaazzz!!!!!

Im 22 and weigh 109 KG?

hey, just wondering what is the best why to loose my gut in a short time? i don't look like im carrying that weight but iam,i stopped going to gym 4 months ago because it shut down due to bankrupt know im so unmotivated!!! i have put on weight and i want to loose my gut before summer! i want to loose 20 kgs at least! so i have herd green tea works in regards to a diet program?

How to not go completely broke when I go to college?

I'm 16 and my grades aren't good enough for a regular university so I'm going to community college. The only thing is where I am (Atlanta) we get a grant to basically go to community college for free basically. It's called the Hope Grant. But I don't want to stay in Atlanta, I want to live in California, Seattle, Chicago, or Dallas. How can I not go broke when I get to college? How can I not go broke when I transfer (I plan to transfer to UCLA, SUNY Purchase, Colombia College Chicago or University of Texas)?? Thank you!!!

Biology HELP PLEASE . Explain how genes, alleles, and chromosomes relate to each other.?

mendel studied pea plants! i forgot what country he was he studied in a monastery. he learned that when two pea plants with two different traits crossed they would make a mixed plant, but that was not always the case. he figured out the pattern to gene inheritance. he found out that when there was a recessive allele a and a dominant allele A that a dominant allele would hide the recessive allele. an allele is a trait inhereted from one parent. for example if one parent has blue eyes then he gives the child a blue eye allele. damn! this is a lot to explain, cause i mean this is one chapter in a bio book. so i'll try to condense. so what happened was he figured out that there was a pattern on how traits ped on to offspring. offspring could be heterozygous or zygous. heterozygous is when an offspring inherents mixed allele Xy. the zygous is when two recessive alleles are inhereted xx. when offspring has two recessive alleles that trait is dominant, but can become recessive when that parent pes down that trait to his/her offspring. capital letters is dominant and what physically shows in the offspring. lowercase letter is recessive or hidden in offsprings gene, what can occur in the future generations. ok not to go into a different tangent, but i don't think people really knew how inheritance worked in his time. i am not sure...but my definition to gene is the inhereted dna/information that we receive from our parents. i am not sure about chromosomes and relating them to mendel, that's deep! this is the basics that i know. traits of parents blend in their offspring because when the offspring created mates the new offspring keeps ping down it's genes, mixing traits each time with any new parent. the old parent is blended? does that help good luck!

Is it ok to go to lunch with guy work colleagues?

Im friends with a guy in work and weve just started going to lunch together. He has a gf so its purely platonic but i worry bout going to lunch with him as people are always making remarks like oh what u 2 get up to and stuff like that. It makes me embarrased but dont want to lose a friend or have to hide him

Illustrated bible stories ...not for the faint of heart?

Yep, the fundies demand "Harry Potter" be removed from libraries because it's "unwholesome". Then they send their kids off to read the Bible. What a sick joke.

Has anyone in Perth visited the late Heath Ledger's grave site or is it open to the public?

I am just askin....not trying to be morbid, just asking. I heard he had his ashes spread near his grandparent's cemetary plot. Is Perth still in shock over this tragedy?

Who wins the NFC Championship game?

Packers & Bears for the NFC championship! This is almost if not bigger than the super bowl this year. I think it's the Packers...who do u think?

Are people born cynical, or do they learn to become that way through the experiences of life?

Someone stated to me that cynicism was not a learned behavior, because it was not ingrained in DNA. So how does behavior become ingrained if not through experiences?

Period is in 6 days!!?

If you mean have relations and get preggo, no, not possible. If your period is due in 6 days, you would have ovulated about a week ago. The egg only lives for a day or two. You would have to be implanting about now, and maybe get a positive in a few days with an early result test.

Do you think my friend/crush is gay at all?

may be he just likes you and doesn't do all of those things because hes waiting for you. if you are really that concerned then you should ask him and tell him you like him. if he is gay/bi tell him no matter what ill always love you as a friend and stuff like that. be supportive in anyway.

Would i be able to use any of these tanks for a water turtle if i bought the equipment?

If it holds water, you can keep a turtle in it. Get the largest (in bottom area) one you can afford and have room for. Turtles grow. Have you considered a child's wading pool?

Why is my ares version changing from the old version to ares vista?

i dont understand this-i downloaded the older version of ares.however for some reason when i switch off my laptop the next time i switch on that ares automatically changes to ares vista and start asking me for credit card details etc.i've done it about 4 times now just to make sure that i'm not the one making a mistake.can someone help please.all i want is the free ares version.thanks for your help.