Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Duac and Proactiv refining mask? Bad combo?

pick one. duac or proactive. both is not a smart idea cuz they have different active ingredients so they will just irritate the skin and cause more breakout. if you feel duac is not for you then you can rule out benzoyle peroxide. BP is not for you. anything with benzoyle peroxide will eff your face up. the refining mask is Sulfur. anything with sulfur works for you. seriously know and read what you're putting on your face. it's all written in the back of the product. i can't use benzoyle or sulfur or not even salicylic acid cuz my face breaks out to anything. sensitive skin. my only acne medicine has been Doxycycline pills and they work great. however, good luck to you if you decide to skip a day or even a pill. i use a natural milk and honey organic soap for my face cuz its mild and moisturizing. it's not soap with some type of acne medication or strong cleaning agents. it's just regular natural organic stuff and it works fine for me. anyway. bottom line, you could try out the duac for another week or so to make your final decision. otherwise just go with what you know works and use the proactive mask.

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