Monday, August 15, 2011

Advice for new soon to be cichlid owner...?

I have a 125 gallon tank full of African ciclids. I have been keeping fish for over 18 years now and I've learned alot. So My advice isn't going to be much fun, cuz I've done it all!!! but here it goes. First spend some money and buy LOTs of rock get little pieces big pieces flat ones are always good! The more hiding places the healthier your tank will be!! trust me! Second the fish that the other people were suggesting are GREAT choice's, BUT cost $$$$ since you've never had ciclids before I would suggest going to one or more fish stores and look for the one that sells little baby's I just added 10 more ciclids to my tank on Christmas eve, The guy sold my a whole bunch of ciclids 5 for 10 bucks.. little fish become big fish REAL FAST..Then slowly add the really cool ones, and try and buy them as small as possible! Your gonna have better success that way. Try and stay away from "corporate" type fish stores find the really cool independent stores. Get to be friends with the people. I went into my favorite store about 2 months ago and said dude hook me up. he showed me these fish called..what ever' me they looked like silver minnows, but when they mature they will be solid blue with yellow tails.. if I wouldn't have asked, he wouldn't have told me!!! be cool good luck

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