Thursday, August 18, 2011

Ladies what do you think?

I made a date with a girl last week for monday. Well its Monday, My phone got disconnected that day so I texted her from a new num saying its me. Should I have confirmed with her yesterday. I have feeling she is mad cause I never confirmed with her yesterday and made her wonder. Would you girls be mad? I texted her like 4 times no response. All of a sudden in the late evening she texted me and said she left her phone at home and totally forgot. Is that believable? Its the next day I asked for her email so we can keep in touch if I leave. She responded she does not use email. I asked her out again for another night she has not responded. I texted her after that I was interested but Im not anymore cause she plays to many games. I wished her the best and a good life and maybe will see eachother again one day.

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