Saturday, August 13, 2011

Im really shy around him?

Okay, ive liked this boy from my science cl for years now. He's so cute but most of the girls like him. I gave him a valentines card last year and didnt hear anything form it even though he knew it was me. His mum knew my aunty and sed he put it on his fireplace and when we came to my uncles 40th we couldnt stop staring at eachother. In science, im really shy, around boys i am, my friends can say anything, but me, i stand there smiling like an idiot. He allways talks to me and i try say something but then giggle. Ive got science tomoz and i would love an answer today coz he told me he liked me but then i asked his friend if he ment it and he sed i dont reli no, he thinks your shy!!! I HAVE HALF OF A DAY to make myself confident and i dont no what to do HELPP!!!! please!

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