Monday, August 15, 2011

I know all of you want-to-be-mothers will agree with this. Please read!?

It is really upsetting to get some real negative hurtful answers to our queries on this site. I recently posted a question voicing my frustration of trying to get pregnant and touching on the misfortune and devastation I experienced when I missed miscarried, and got a silly, hurtful response - by a low-life going by the name of Aprillynnalzar. And I have seen many responses to questions that I know would hurt the author. And these responses are written by people that clearly are not trying to concieve or have had any experience with pregnancy, and just want to be pigs. Some people just don't understand some of the pain that people do feel when trying to concieve, or losing a baby through miscarriage. Don't enter the trying to conceive forum if you are going to slander people when they are at vulnerable points in their life, especially if you are unable to understand what others are going through.

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