Thursday, August 11, 2011

Live-action Code Ge - Read the whole question first, please... - who would play Lelouch?

Okay, before you guys answer that Code Ge isn't something that should be made into a live action sequence, please read this whole question and see that I realize it's not a good idea, and would prefer that it not happen. I've been wondering about this for a while. I've seen a few thoughts from fans about who would make a good live-action cast of a Code Ge movie. I saw one April Fool's joke that said Fox studio had bought the movie rights to the show and were planning on making Hugh Laurie play Lelouch. That, obviously, doesn't fit. But, I'm wondering, who *would* make a good live-action Lelouch? I was thinking perhaps Zachary Quinto, but I'm not entirely sure. What do you guys think? Tell me your ideal live-action Code Ge movie cast. And, this is keeping in mind that when you make a live-action version of an anime, you've pretty much signed its death warrant (except that I've heard good things about the Deathnote movie). Anyway, just let me know what you guys think. That's really all I want to hear is some fan's opinions. I'll give ten points to the best movie cast. Thanks.

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