Monday, August 8, 2011

Biology HELP PLEASE . Explain how genes, alleles, and chromosomes relate to each other.?

mendel studied pea plants! i forgot what country he was he studied in a monastery. he learned that when two pea plants with two different traits crossed they would make a mixed plant, but that was not always the case. he figured out the pattern to gene inheritance. he found out that when there was a recessive allele a and a dominant allele A that a dominant allele would hide the recessive allele. an allele is a trait inhereted from one parent. for example if one parent has blue eyes then he gives the child a blue eye allele. damn! this is a lot to explain, cause i mean this is one chapter in a bio book. so i'll try to condense. so what happened was he figured out that there was a pattern on how traits ped on to offspring. offspring could be heterozygous or zygous. heterozygous is when an offspring inherents mixed allele Xy. the zygous is when two recessive alleles are inhereted xx. when offspring has two recessive alleles that trait is dominant, but can become recessive when that parent pes down that trait to his/her offspring. capital letters is dominant and what physically shows in the offspring. lowercase letter is recessive or hidden in offsprings gene, what can occur in the future generations. ok not to go into a different tangent, but i don't think people really knew how inheritance worked in his time. i am not sure...but my definition to gene is the inhereted dna/information that we receive from our parents. i am not sure about chromosomes and relating them to mendel, that's deep! this is the basics that i know. traits of parents blend in their offspring because when the offspring created mates the new offspring keeps ping down it's genes, mixing traits each time with any new parent. the old parent is blended? does that help good luck!

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