Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Why is it that, despite the fact that homeopathy has been shown to be totally worthless,?

I certainly agree with Dr. Frank and Rhianna. People expect miracles on a daily basis from medicine, and when that does not happen they call foul and accuse the medical system of hiding cures in order to maximize their profits. My soon-top-be-exwife, a registered dietitian with a Masters Degree, strongly believes in homeopathy. Of course when that does not work then she hustles in to see a traditional physician. When I ask her about why she takes homeopathic substances, all I get is this round-about mumbo jumbo about how science doesn't know everything, but that she does. Apparently the scientific method is somehow too restrictive. Serious. The only thing I can think of is that somehow the placebo effect is operative in those cases when people claim a cure (or most likely relief from what are probably psychological symptoms). She also believes in astrology and plans her life around it, and tried to do the same for me. No thanks, dear.

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